Metal, Hardcore, Punk, Death Metal, Thrash Metal... whatever

Metal, Hardcore, Punk, Death Metal, Thrash Metal... Qwerty and miserable, always wanting more.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Thirteen years ago...

My old band, The Control, did a 4 show in 3 days weekend. This first being in Pittsburgh on a Friday (which bands cancelled the show AFTER showing up), then Saturday we played a matinee with 9 Shocks Terror in Western Massachusett and a Evening show in CT. I forget where the 4th show was but it was at a weird upstairs legion hall. Today was the first time I saw the video of that show.
Anyway, our set has some lull thanks to a broken string but man, Kevin was a great front man and we played pretty well considering we drove straight through the night to get there. But the real story is the insanity that went on during 9 Shocks set. Fire crackers, a burning couch. a dive out the window to return to the pit on a bicycle; it was mayhem. Here's some brief video proof:
On another note, I was a much better guitar player back then I think, stylistically speaking. 

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