A blog about my experiences with all things Metal, Hardcore and Punk
Metal, Hardcore, Punk, Death Metal, Thrash Metal... whatever
Metal, Hardcore, Punk, Death Metal, Thrash Metal... Qwerty and miserable, always wanting more.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Oh, on a side note, I guess time proved that I was totally wrong about my perception of a Judge reunion. That's just too bad. I skipped that one, though I went to the Chain of Strength/ Mouthpiece reunion in NYC last year. As there is photographic evidence in this "pit shot":
(Via The Hundreds)
I thought it was funny that a lot of people critized me for going to see Chain long after they were straight edge, yet Judge seemed to get a pass for that. I think Judge is an awesome band and I'm glad that people got to see them last month, but how is the standard different? Fuck it, right? I'M HERE TO MOSH.
In 1990 I was REALLY into thrash
metal; almost to a fault. I think I liked every band that was playing in the
genre. Hell, even if I didn’t like a band, I probably at least liked their new,
popular song (IE: “Practice What You Preach” by Testament) and the more Surf Line
Original Jams involved, the better. I was a dork; I couldn’t pull off all
black, a bullet belt and leather biker jacket, but I COULD wear the shit out of
a Hawaiian shirt, some clam diggers and my jean jacket with an Anthrax “I Am
The Law” back patch on it. Eventually, I moved on to Army/ Navy surplus and a Slaytanic
Wehrmacht shirt (I have photo graphic evidence of this somewhere) but, like I
said, I was a dork.
That same year, a little movie and
soundtrack called ‘Shocker” came out. Shocker was a low budget horror film;
made in the hopes of sparking a new Wes Craven trilogy. The soundtrack
contained a heavy metal version of the song “No More Mister Nice Guy” by “Big
Four” thrashers Megadeth. Now, I never liked Megadeth much. I bought a few of
their releases on cassette and wasn’t impressed. BUT as I stated in the prior
paragraph, I tended to like the newer popular song. I loved ‘No More Mister
Nice Guy” and promptly purchased the Cassingle to jam in my Walkman on the bus
ride to high school.
I’m not exactly sure at what point
I became aware that NMMNG (as we shall refer to it from here on out) was
actually an ALICE COOPER song; but I’m certain it was AFTER I fell in love with
Dave Mustaine’s hilariously whiny version.Looking back, I want to slap myself. The Alice Cooper original is a
great look into early 70’s pop smart shock rock, whereas the Megadeth cover (especially
the video) feels like extreme self-parody. I can only imagine the phone call
from the execs that asked Dave to cover the tunes, where Dave replies “yeah, I’m
not a nice guy; I’m a sneering manchild, I’ll DO IT!” I am an adult now and I
have seen the errors of my previous ways.
NMMNG is probably the most popular
song on 1973’s “Billion Dollar Babies” and is most definitely one of Alice Copper’s
signature tracks. Though I am not a “greatest hits” kind of guy, when I want to
rock some, uh, Cooper, I throw on 1974’s GREATEST HITS and rock the fucking
Cooper out. To everything I believe in music wise, this is probably a huge affront;
but when I can attribute the beginnings of my love for Alice Cooper to a really
lame cover, I think it is absolutely fitting. I saw Megadeth for the first and
last time in 1991 (Clash of the Titans, baby!) and Alice Cooper (solo) most
recently last year and I have to say, Cooper has held up really well, whereas
Megadeth has not. So, hey, either way: thanks Megadeth. Thanks for leading me
to a great song and band that can get me out of the grown up funk I often find
myself in.