So, My friend Mark takes a lot of pictures. Thanks to him, here is literally a pictorial history of my old band,
No Reason. I thought I'd post this, as I just created a bandcamp with all of our stuff available on it for free download.
The Author getting ready for the first show, early 1997 |
First show early 1997, VFW in Tonawanda |
First show early 1997 |
First show early 1997 |
Basement show at Headquarters march '97 |
Basement show at Headquarters march '97 |
VFW show in South Buffalo spring '97, the "Talking" on the 7" is from this |
VFW show in south Buffalo spring '97 |
VFW show in South Buffalo |
VFW show in South Buffalo |
VFW show in South Buffalo |
VFW in Tonawanda, NY April 1997, our first like "crazy good' show |
VFW in Tonawanda, NY April 1997 |
VFW in Tonawanda, NY April 1997 |
VFW in Tonawanda, NY April 1997 |
VFW in Tonawanda, NY April 1997, I'm laughing at how great the show/ sing along is |
VFW in Tonawanda, NY April 1997 |
Toronto, spring '97 |
Toronto, spring '97 |
Toronto, spring '97 |
Toronto, spring '97 |
Toronto, spring '97 |
Toronto, spring '97 |
Toronto, spring '97 |
"Promo" pictures Toronto, spring '97 |
"Promo" pictures Toronto, spring '97 |
Us and the Buffalo crew who traveled to Toronto, spring '97 |
Early show at the Mercury theater spring '97 |
Early show at the Mercury theater spring '97 |
Early show at the Mercury theater spring '97 |
Early show at the Mercury theater spring '97 |
Recording the 7" spring '97 |
Recording the 7" spring '97 |
Enjoying Mighty Taco Bean Burritos while recording the 7" spring '97 |
Recording the 7" spring '97, Bullets and Eric Noyes came out to sing back up/ hang out |
Early '97 Discovery Records show in Tonawanda |
Early '97 Discovery Records show in Tonawanda |
Early '97 Discovery Records show in Tonawanda |
Early '97 Discovery Records show in Tonawanda |
Early '97 Discovery Records show in Tonawanda |
Early '97 Discovery Records show in Tonawanda |
Early '97 Discovery Records show in Tonawanda |
Apocalypse '97 show, July 1997 |
Apocalypse '97 show, July 1997 |
Apocalypse '97 show, July 1997 |
Apocalypse '97 show, July 1997 |
Apocalypse '97 show, July 1997 |
Apocalypse '97 show, July 1997 |
One of many shows at the Mercury Theater, 1997 |
One of many shows at the Mercury Theater, 1997 |
One of many shows at the Mercury Theater, 1997 |
One of many shows at the Mercury Theater, 1997 |
One of many shows at the Mercury Theater, 1997 |
Upstairs at Sikora Post, North Tonawanda, NY |
Upstairs at Sikora Post, North Tonawanda, NY |
Upstairs at Sikora Post, North Tonawanda, NY |
Upstairs at Sikora Post, North Tonawanda, NY |
Upstairs at Sikora Post, North Tonawanda, NY |
Upstairs at Sikora Post, North Tonawanda, NY |
Upstairs at Sikora Post, North Tonawanda, NY |
Upstairs at Sikora Post, North Tonawanda, NY |
Yet another Mercury Theater show 98 |
Yet another Mercury Theater show 98 |
Yet another Mercury Theater show 98 |
Yet another Mercury Theater show 98 |
Yet another Mercury Theater show 98, one of the few with Glenn at home |
On the road, Spring 1998 |
On the road, Spring 1998 |
On the road, Spring 1998 |
On the road, Spring 1998 |
On the road, Spring 1998 |
Chicago spring 1998 |
Chicago spring 1998 |
Chicago spring 1998 |
Chicago spring 1998 |
Toledo, Spring 1998 |
Toledo, spring 1998 |
Milwaukee, spring 1998 |
Milwaukee, spring 1998 |
Milwaukee, spring 1998 |
Milwaukee, spring 1998 |
The only show Abe plays bass at, my brother was sick, so I sung |
Eric played guitar at this show |
My brother was sick, so there was a show where I sung |
My brother was sick, so there was a show where I sung |
My brother was sick, so there was a show where I sung |
Second time we played Discovery records, Some dickweed from LI maced this show |
Second time we played Discovery records, Some dickweed from LI maced this show |
Second time we played Discovery records, Some dickweed from LI maced this show |
Who's Emma? Toronto, first day of summer tour 1998 |
Who's Emma? Toronto, first day of summer tour 1998 |
Who's Emma? Toronto, first day of summer tour 1998 |
Who's Emma? Toronto, first day of summer tour 1998 |
Who's Emma? Toronto, first day of summer tour 1998 |
Who's Emma? Toronto, first day of summer tour 1998 |
What became our last show, November 1998 |
What became our last show, November 1998 |
What became our last show, November 1998 |
What became our last show, November 1998 |
What became our last show, November 1998 |