Has there ever been a greater collection of songs?
4 years ago, I wrote about my love for 1974's Alice Cooper's Greatest Hits, and although I have all of the original band's albums on my iPhone (seriously, how good is Killer?), I no longer have that specific collection after a hard drive crash that resulted in a loss of about 20% of the music I had digitally. The last time I listened to Greatest Hits was on the plane when I moved to California, almost 2 years ago.
the offending CD
The other night, I was at my local Walmart to pick up some big box store junk and happened through their media section. Right out front of the $5 bin was a ridiculously bright Alice Cooper CD. when I flipped over Mascara and Monsters: The Best of Alice Copper, I was happy to learn that not only did it have all of the tracks from my beloved Hits lp, but also the stronger tracks from after the singer, Alice, went solo from the original group (though the song "Teenage Frankenstein," a personal favorite, is sadly missing). I took the $5 plunge and was pretty excited to play it on my commute to work the following morning; and yes, I am aware I could have just made a play list to follow the track list, but I HATE playlists, especially is albums are mastered at different volumes. I don't really buy CDs anymore and purchase most of my music on iTunes or Bandcamp, so you can imagine my excitement.
The next morning, as I prepared for my once a week, 35 minute commute to a branch campus, I opened up the CD, which promptly cracked in my hand. So I just bought it on iTunes.
Thanks for nothing.
I saw Alice Cooper open for Iron Maiden 5 years ago and all I got was this lousy picture